Sunday, December 17, 2023

Christmas Party 2023

This year's party was especially welcome since we had to cancel the one last year because of bad weather.  We also changed our gift policy from a raffle basket(s) in which just one, two or three people won a basket full of gifts, to an old fashioned exchange in which everyone who brought a gift, received a gift.

 For this year's gift exchange, the theme was to bring a handmade fiber gift.  You didn't need to have made the gift, as long as it was handmade.  


Anni tries on her new knitted cap, made by Shereé.

Paulie's gift was made by Anni.  The wreath was made using spinning roving, so that when you are finished with the holiday season, you still have roving for long hours of spinning pleasure.  

Baxter is new to the gathering and really enjoyed the extra attention and treats.  In the photo below, he is receiving lots of love from Mary - his new best friend!

This was Faye's first RFG party.  Her gift was from Paulie, a handwoven Christmas towel. It will be the first handwoven towel in Faye's kitchen.  I don't think it will be the last one, though.

Felted snowman, made by Shelley, received by Igor

Zip purse made from handwoven and commercial cloth by Mary, received  by Polly.

Shelley received a handwoven towel made by Kathy R.

Shereé showing gift from Lorene to her.  Lorene bought this delightful elf from a vendor next to her at a Christmas sale.

Naturally, this is only a fraction of the handmade gifts.  And, I really should mention the food - a fabulous pot luck enjoyed by all.  Looking forward to next year's gathering already.

1 comment:

  1. Beryl, thanks so much for posting the highlights! Enjoyed looking at the pics. It was a great time, nice to visit with so many people!
