Meeting and Fiber Event Calendar

Most meetings are held at the 

South Valleys Library,  15650 Wedge Parkway, Reno

All public meetings are open to non-members, so if you have an interest in weaving or spinning we welcome you to join us.

Our regular guild meetings are held from Sept. through May.  Check this event calendar for the dates and locations of the meetings.

Sage Weavers is a discussion group in which we show our work, ask and answer weaving questions.  Beginning weavers are always welcome.  Anyone interested in weaving is invited to attend.

High Flyers is a spinner's gathering and is a socially oriented get-together.  If you spin, bring your wheel, drop spindle or charka.  New spinners are always welcome and we will be glad to mentor you on a wheel or drop spindle. You may also bring your knitting, hemming projects, rigid heddle etc. or simply come to watch.  All are welcome.


January 18 11AM - 1PM Zoom presentation with Kris Bruland of  Guild members will get a link to the presentation before the presentation.  Kris is working on a new tool for overshot which should be in place before our program takes place.

January 29 11AM-1PM  Sage Weavers at the South Valleys Library.  Everyone who has an interest in weaving is welcome. There will be free weaving books and magazines available.

February 4 5:45-8:15PM Cindy Rogers will be teaching us how to make needle felted gnomes at the South Valleys Library.  Kits are available for purchase prior to the meeting.  Contact for complete details.

February 26 11AM-1PM  High Flyers handspinning group at the South Valleys Library.  Spinners, bring your wheel or handspindle.  We will also have a floor loom available for anyone who would like to try their hand at weaving. Knitters are welcome to bring their work as well. Free spinning magazines will be available.

March 29 10AM - 5PM.  Tamari Ball workshop with Debi Shimamoto at the South Valleys Library.  Stay tuned for more information.




  1. Kathe Goria HendricksonJuly 31, 2023 at 9:12 AM

    I just sent a comment but think it didn't have my name.

    1. please contact the guild directly.
