Meeting and Fiber Event Calendar

Most meetings are held at the 

South Valleys Library,  15650 Wedge Parkway, Reno

All public meetings are open to non-members, so if you have an interest in weaving or spinning we welcome you to join us.

Our regular guild meetings are held from Sept. through May.  Check this event calendar for the dates and locations of the meetings.

Sage Weavers is a discussion group in which we show our work, ask and answer weaving questions.  Beginning weavers are always welcome.  Anyone interested in weaving is invited to attend.

High Flyers is a spinner's gathering and is a socially oriented get-together.  If you spin, bring your wheel, drop spindle or charka.  New spinners are always welcome and we will be glad to mentor you on a wheel or drop spindle. You may also bring your knitting, hemming projects, rigid heddle etc. or simply come to watch.  All are welcome.


March 29 10AM - 5PM.  Tamari Ball workshop with Debi Shimamoto at the South Valleys Library. There will be a meeting presentation about Tamari Balls.  Following the presentation there will be a workshop at noon for 10 people.  One opening for the workshop remains.  Contact for information.

April 8 5:45-8PM  Regular meeting at the South Valleys Library 

April 23 11AM - 1PM  Sage Weavers at the South Valleys Library.  Weaving discussion group.  Anyone interested in weaving is welcome to attend. 

April 26 10AM-4PM Nevada Museum of Art in Reno.  Free Community day celebration of Native American heritage and Great Basin basketweaving traditions with full day of demonstrations, talks, and performances. 

May 15 - The Nevada State Museum in Carson City opens The Work of the Washoe People showcasing the basketry of Louise Keyser (Datsolalee) in the Under One Sky Basketry Gallery.




  1. Kathe Goria HendricksonJuly 31, 2023 at 9:12 AM

    I just sent a comment but think it didn't have my name.

    1. please contact the guild directly.
