Saturday, November 9, 2019

Controlling Creative Chaos Workshop with Kathrin Weber

Reno Fiber Guild members have long been awaiting this exciting workshop on how to warp several painted warps at once.  The workshop has come and gone and what follows  is eye candy for weavers in the form of a myriad of painted warps on the loom and being woven.

Cheri B. said this about the workshop. "The Controlling Creative Chaos workshop was excellent. Kathrin’s enthusiasm as a weaving instructor was contagious. It was helpful to learn her design techniques using a dummy warp and tying on color groups at the loom.  I summoned up some courage and used color as I never had before. This is a rep weave and I will use as a table runner."
Kathy R. wove a bit of repp weave in the class and had the rest of this warp left to weave at home.  She says "I can't wait to change it to my other loom and get going"




1 comment:

  1. Some very beautiful warps, with a great potential.
    I hope everyone had a good time it looks like a lot of new experiences were had by all.
