Mary and Polly holding up Polly's grand piece that was resisted around a piece of pipe.
Every so often, Reno Fiber Guild has a dyeing day. This year the program committee decided on a resist day, in which interested members learned how to resist the items they wanted to dye and the follow up day in which we had four indigo vats at our disposal so that the indigo could work its magic for us. Jen generously offered her garage for the event. She and Suzanne made two 1-2-3 vats using fructose as the reducing sugar, Karen made a banana vat with the pulp of bananas as the reducing sugar and Beryl stirred together a pre-reduced indigo with a couple of chemicals for the "easy" solution!
The weather wasn't too cold so that made the indigo vats happy and also the dyers. Karen and Beryl took photos of some of the amazing items that emerged from vats like butterflies from cocoons. It was simply a wonderful day. Thanks to everyone who made it possible.
Maryln with one of her scarves. This was wrapped on a piece of PVC pipe.
Paulie holding up her prize after removing the resist bands
Suzanne hanging out at a 1-2-3 vat
Tanya brought handwoven shibori scarves. The photo below shows the results after the resist threads were pulled out and she rinsed the scarves. |