Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Huck Lace Workshop with Rosalie Neilson Part II

Because there are many projects yet to be posted, Part II seemed to be a good idea.  Don't forget to scroll down to  Part I to see all of the huck lace weavings from the workshop.

Virginia's Towels - woven on a four shaft loom
None of these have been washed or hemmed.  I had fun playing with other colors, and for the last one I alternated sections of plain weave with the huck - just to see how it looked - and because plain weave is faster to weave.
Virginia G.

Suzanne's towels - woven on an 8 shaft loom


I really enjoyed learning Rosalie’s system - use of her grids and transparent overlay for designing blocks of huck lace.  It was also interesting, and sometimes disappointing to see that not all designs wove up as nicely as they looked on the graph paper!  I’ll definitely get back to weaving more block huck lace designs after I experiment with Turned Twill designs using Rosalie’s Exaltation of Blocks grids and overlays Suzanne W.

Diane's Towels - woven on 24 shafts in Natural Colored Cottons

Loved the weaving and designing.  Thanks again, Rosalie, for a fun workshop.                  Diane S.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Huck Lace Workshop with Rosalie Neilson

Reno Fiber Guild has not been meeting in person because of the Covid virus for a year now, but we haven't been away from our looms during that time.  A week ago we started a virtual class about Huck Lace with Rosalie Neilson via Zoom.  Because we can all use our home looms, this has been an adventure in which we chose our own yarns for the projects and designed them ourselves with the help of Rosalie.  What follows are projects woven on 4, 8, 24 and 32 shafts.  Each different with the special touches that come from the individual weavers.

 From Anni's loom

After weaving two towels with sections in ten different colors and a different pattern in each row, I decided to try weaving the patterns with the same color as the stripe in the warp.  I also took an idea from Suzanne and did the separating stripes in the two other colors.  I rather like this one.  I think it's my favorite.

I also did a set woven completely with a natural off-white color and designs that were only comprised of weft floats.  It kind of looks like there is a warp float were the floats hold the threads in, but there isn't.  The reverse shows all warp floats.  -  Anni B.

Shelley's Projects

Shelley used a slightly different red for weft to create contrast in the red block on this towel.

These are the designs for Shelley's towels, using the overlays from Rosalie's book.

 "I learned so much.  I now have a much better understanding of blocks, and how to design - so cool!  I may be tying on to this warp and trying two 4 shaft designs on the same row!.  Big jump for me!  Thanks Rosalie and Suzanne for organizing!"     Shelly N.  

Cathie C.'s Napkins  woven on 32 shafts

 There can be a bit of a disconnect between the drawdown image and the way the actual fabric looks. I think I have a better handle on that now with huck after designing so many blocks.    Cathie

 Beryl's Table Runner woven on 36 shafts.











I quite enjoyed this class and learned a lot about designing huck.  Rosalie was there for all of us, making sure that we understood her directions and giving assistance when needed.    I designed a whole lot of blocks and was fortunate that I could use my multishaft loom to weave my projects.  Love Zoom workshops! - Beryl M.

Susan M's Towels 

4 towels of cottolin.  When I was warping back to front, I found 100 threads short by one yard. I tied on these 100 threads so I would not waste so much warp. It worked!! Enough for 4 huck towels and not much shrinkage with cottolin.  Now will add on a  towel kit I found of natural dyed cotton  and use Huck instead
Susan M.

Nancy B. Towels

I really enjoyed Rosalie’s workshop.  Besides feeling like I was finally beginning to grasp the concept of weaving with blocks, I also gained some great general weaving tips.  I will look forward to the next workshop!! Nancy B.


 Darla's huck project

 This Zoom workshop was great for me. The second day of the workshop a multitude of conflicts appeared suddenly on my schedule, but I knew I would have access to the recorded videos so I was able to alleviate a lot of stress.

My warp was inspired by images of 18th century Indian calico or chintz. I used my bright red and greens, but softened it with a pale buttery yellow and sky blue.

All in all, I’m enjoying this weaving project--despite the puppy literally running away with my warp while winding on, pull-in (solved with a temple), and unattractive scalloped edges (also solved with a temple)  Darla G.